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Author, Actor & Host ...Michael KebeGet off to a fast start learn to become a Model and Actor!Michael's ResumePhotosContact us and let us know your thoughts and questionsVideo
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This page is for those of you in the media who would like a press release to use for your paper, magazine, or radio show.  Feel free to cut and paste the articles and pictures below.  Please use this for our "3 days to Stardom" promotion only.  

Revealed Secrets of Hollywood

Have you ever thought about being in the entertainment industry as an actor or a model?  Did you ever wonder if you have what it takes?  Do you wish that someone would give you the scoop on getting started?

Well you're not the only one.  Millions of people world wide try out for television shows, model searches, and films every year.  It's a phenomenon how many people will go to great lengths to be in the entertainment industry.  Many people want their 15 minutes of fame and others want more.  The media is so powerful that it has been known to change peoples lives, from being the guy next door to a known personality and sometime to the extent of becoming a celebrity. 

Michael Kebe and Robin Kay are co-authors of "3 Days to Stardom", the insiders secret guide to modeling and acting.  Robin explains "The entertainment field can be an exciting business.  But anyone who wants to be a part of this industry needs guidance and direction.  Our audio CD "3 Days to Stardom" is a one of a kind guide that helps a person get started in this business at any age.  Whether someone is retired or in grade's never too late to become a part of the modeling/acting industry."  Michael Kebe adds "I would strongly recommend finding a mentor.  As I think back when I got started, how little I knew and how many mistakes I made.  Some were costly because of lack of direction and improper guidance. I didn't know anyone personally in this businesss and I really had nobody to look up to.  That's one reason why we co-authored this CD.