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Author, Actor & Host ...Michael KebeGet off to a fast start learn to become a Model and Actor!Michael's ResumePhotosContact us and let us know your thoughts and questionsVideo
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We will show you how:

1. This is an inexpensive business to get started in... especially when you compare it to other businesses.

2.  This CD can help you book you're first job.  The money you do invest in this CD...on your first job you will double your money.  Because if you book one job even at the lowest rate a person could possibly get in any form of this industry you have probably already doubled your money on your first booking.

Example:  Maybe a commercial or movie extra which pays a minimum of $75  ...but chance are we think you will make more then that.

And we did when we first started!

3. To get a better grasp of the acting & modeling industry that remain a mystery to many people and get some insight on reality television

4.  We know many people don't have time to read a book...and a CD is the fastest way to get that means you can drive around, walk and do something else while you are learning a brand new business.

5.  We are saving you so much money..I cannot tell you how many times people have told me that they spent thousands of dollars on their first photo shoot and spend money on castings or websites that never showed them a return on their money

6.  We are a continued resource on where you can get personal coaching beyond this CD

7.  We have been there and done that...meaning we may not be celebrities...but we are working professionals in the industry as actors and we're are in the game together encouraging you to push forward

8.  We are mentoring you...which is the key to getting some place faster by learning from other peoples successes and experiences.(by the way we're going to be sharing a lot of our experience throughout this CD.)

9.  This CD helps you no matter what age you are (whether you're  a grandmother who wants to become an actress or a child in grade school who wants to be in commercials).  This CD can help all of you and be passed down through the generations.  In fact, today I casting along with a women who was a fashion model as a teenager and her children have grown and she decided to jump back into the industry as mature adult..

10. We're going to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and move forward!

Buy 3 Days to Stardom!